
Patrick Zelinski

Film Composer and Guitarist

Patrick Zelinski works professionally in the music industry as a composer, producer, performer, sound engineer, and session musician. His film compositions have received him best score nominations at both the Stinger and Rosie awards, as well as multiple YYCMA nominations. His broad musical scope and obsession with sound has helped him with being heard on many albums and films across Canada.

Eric Heitmann

Cinematic Composer

San Francisco 49er team captain and starting center, Eric Heitmann, is now an award-nominated, orchestral composer and producer. Eric writes in the epic, cinematic, and ambient genres, and his pieces are by design, ultra melodic, and follow a hybrid orchestral style. His music is heavily influenced by the film scores of Hans Zimmer, James Horner, and epic cinematic artist, Two Steps From Hell. 

Amy Wallace

Epic Composer and Soprano

Amy Wallace is an accomplished vocalist from Canada, with a career spanning over a decade. Known for her powerful voice and emotive performances, she has established herself as a respected and sought-after vocalist in the music industry. She has lent her vocal talents to a variety of projects and collaborations with an array of producers and composers. Her ability to effortlessly transition between different genres and styles quickly earned her a reputation as a versatile and dynamic vocalist.

Ryan Dimmock

Film Composer and Violinist

London based violinist and composer of modern classical, folk, ambient and filmic sounds with background experience playing in classical orchestras as well as performing and recording with contemporary folk/rock bands and as a soloist.

I have written and recorded soundtracks for two short independent films ‘Solitude’ and ‘Impulse’ and my music has been used to accompany an artwork display at an exhibition.

Joran Elane

Vocalist, Songwriter, and Composer

Joran Elane (award-winning singer and co-founder of the fantasy band Elane) published her first solo album “Glenvore” in 2014. Since then she has released numerous singles while also working on her side projects Elenniyah and Skyful of Dreams. She is a sorceress, bard and storyteller of the modern era. Swept away by deep emotions she goes on a quest which she mirrors in her intense romantic music: songs arranged for orchestra, often accompanied by guest artists from near and far. She invites you along to a magical journey where the stars shine brighter again, and dreams and legends come to life. This type of music will probably delight fans of Enya, Loreena McKennitt and Elane. Let yourself be enchanted by the incredible sounds of Glenvore…

Aria Siren

Vocalist, Songwriter, and Composer

Aria Siren is a vocalist, songwriter and producer from Germany.

Aria Siren is the official singer of Pawl.D Beats (Viking producer).

Lara Ausensi

Vocalist, Songwriter, and Composer

Lara Ausensi is a vocalist and composer featured in the awarded VST vocal libraries Atlantis 3 (Stefano Maccarelli), Forest Kingdom and Shevannai, the voice of Elves (Eduardo Tarilonte).

Lara is both a classically trained pianist and soprano, who has specialized in the genres of Celtic music, jazz, and world music. She is also the vocalist of folk band Carrion Folk whom she is preparing a new single to be released soon.

Roxane Genot

Cellist and Composer

is a French cellist and composer whose soul is steeped in the ancient world of Celtic ballads and Medieval minstrels. She weaves the rich tapestry of traditional music into her work, echoing the magic of bygone eras. She also plays the Medieval fiddles and the Renaissance viol, which are featured in many of her recordings, such as The Court of Cintra or in her latest original album Tavern Tales From The West. Her first original album, A Weakness for the Moon, is a collection of pieces written in a Celtic style and inspired by the Moon, her phases and the mystical dimension associated to her.

Roxane dedicates a YouTube channel to her arrangements of video game music and series / movie soundtracks.

Ceej Boy

Electronic Producer and composer

His name is Ceej Boy tho most people know him as CJ. He is a electronic music producer known for creating different types of electronic music from dubstep to future bass to other types of music. His name is most known for dubstep. He loves taking different genres and making something entirely new out of them. CJ has a passion of trying new things never done before. He quoted "Do not be afraid of trying new things even if you do not succeed because at the end of the day you can say at least I tried"! He never gives up even if things go wrong. that is what makes him the person he is known for.

Bart Zeal

Fantasy Folk Singer and Composer

"With our contemporary world blunting our minds, we are losing something essential and powerful: the ancient connection between the earth and our imagination. My music seeks to mend that broken bond and reintroduce a sense of wonder." - Bart Zeal, The Druidic Songwriter

The bard known as Bart Zeal started his professional career in 2020 with his extended version of My Mother Told Me, which quickly reached over a million streams. His roots lay in songs about popular films, books, and games. From this arose a narrative Folky Country style that speaks to the imagination, yet is grounded in reality.

This Medieval-Fantasy singer transports you to special fairytalelike worlds where stories play out that are closer to our reality than you might expect. Bart’s audience often confesses to not having known about this genre of music until after hearing him sing. It is no wonder, then, that he writes and plays to surprise his audience and hides hidden messages about life in these fictional stories riddled with profound meaning.

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